Saturday, June 4, 2011

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 14, 01:11 PM
    LOL I feel the same way...oh..wait a sec.

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  • The Beatles
    Apr 14, 03:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    You can take they guy out of microsoft.
    Lets just hope they can take microsoft out of the guy. ;)


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  • The Beatles
    Apr 14, 03:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    You can take they guy out of microsoft.
    Lets just hope they can take microsoft out of the guy. ;)


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  • bizzle
    Apr 11, 06:14 PM
    I paid $3.50 today 87 in NJ. I fill up every three days for work. I get around 27-28 mpg in my 05 Civic Si.


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  • Knowimagination
    Mar 10, 08:29 PM
    I think I am going to do the University Park store since I have never been there and I have been to the Knox street store a lot.

    Probably get there around 1pm tomorrow hopefully the line won't be too bad.

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  • RawBert
    Apr 14, 02:24 PM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?
    Damn, that's funny. :D


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  • eenu
    Sep 19, 07:20 PM
    What about a firmware update for the 24" iMac?

    and why would this be needed?

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 03:52 PM
    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.

    If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.

    Sent you a PM


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  • Burnsey
    May 2, 11:15 PM
    I don't follow canadian politics much, can someone tell me aboot the main ideological differences between liberals and conservatives in canada? eh?

    Let's put it this way, if the conservative leader Stephen Harper, who has won a majority government tonight, was the prime minister back in Canada too would have entered the pointless mess that is the Iraq war. We had a liberal party in power then, and they rightly decided otherwise.

    A conservative government is also more friendly to corporations (cutting corporate taxes), less concerned with the environment (supporting oil sands in Alberta), in favour of spending more on the military (buying new jets in the coming years) and more willing to spend huge amounts on security and the like (~$1 billion spent for security during the Toronto G20 summit).

    Having said that though thankfully in Canada the conservative party is nothing like the hawkish corporate shills that you guys have in the US, at least not in that extreme.

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  • Bennieboy�
    Apr 24, 01:48 PM
    sweet :D welcome to the team in that case,

    sidenote, hmmm mines been fetching a new WU for the last half hour, my iStat is showing no net usage or downloads :S any ideas whats going on?

    hmm the log is showing no more work left :S i've just restarted F@H and selected the ' larger then 5Mb option ' but still nothing :S anyone else getting this?


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  • robbieduncan
    Sep 27, 11:22 AM
    When did it come out? I was looking for it on Google but couldn't find aything but early reviews. Any links/directions ??

    I got mine a couple of weeks ago in Japan (so mine's actually a Kiss Digital X). It was released 1 day before I bought mine. Jessops etc seem to have them in stock. I've not seen a full review yet. dpreview have a preview (, the review should be out soonish...

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  • eburr
    Mar 15, 11:48 AM
    Willow Bend did not get any today. There were at least 50 people in line.


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  • Justinf79
    May 1, 07:43 PM
    Too bad I'll prolly never get a beta key. :(

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  • CubusX
    Mar 13, 09:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    New iOS update, same old story. With all the time it takes Apple to release these updates, will they ever get it right,


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  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 11:23 AM
    Willow Bend is at about 30 people. Rumor in line is they might be able to serve everyone that's comes out today, they must have a large stock

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  • Xeperu
    Feb 22, 11:55 AM
    So basically you pay like this for your phone now:

    1. Minutes
    2. Data on broadband
    3. Power for microcell

    ATT should pay you for this.


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  • Darkroom
    Apr 16, 06:53 PM
    way to stand by your principles by resubmitting :rolleyes:

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  • sand0s
    Jun 10, 04:51 PM
    it is strange that they added a fourth band (VIII - 900 frequency) which is for more of europe, asia and also vodaNZ but doesn't open up anything in the US... even stranger is that i was just in NZ and my 3G[S] (which doesn't support VIII / 900 apparently) was on the vodaNZ 3G network the whole time. anyone with knowledge of this whole UMTS / HSDPA band and frequency thing, please tell me how this worked then?

    answer this myself... apparently they use I / 2100 as well.

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  • nuckinfutz
    Sep 15, 05:43 PM
    I've heard reports of WC3 playing well on Macs and playing like crap but this is not a suitable indicator of Computer performance.

    Blizzard is target PC's and in their port they'll optimize somewhat for Macs but it's not as efficient as if if was written for Mac from it's inception.

    Slow performance...your issue is with Blizzard..not Apple.

    Aug 14, 10:55 AM
    He was really good in Galaxy Quest. That's why when I saw him in the Apple ad, he looked strangely familiar. :)

    Oct 27, 08:26 AM
    The line was pretty mad, but it seemed to move rather quickly once the doors were opened at 6pm. My hat is off to those who in the queue who had a word with the queue cutters as well as the Apple staff. (Dear queue cutters get with the program, or go back to your friends at Microsoft.)

    I was amazed at the number of people in the queue that didn't buy Leopard. LOL... was the lame free t-shirt really worth your time in the queue?

    I was a bit embarrassed by all the hot women who asked us what we were queuing up for. Oops, was I really standing in a queue for 2 hours on a Friday night. Hell ya! I saw the ladies later with a big box in my pocket.

    Apple you get poor marks for selling Leopard right by entrance door and free t-shirts. It was rather disorganized. (Lets hope you learn for next month's iPhone event.) Upstairs seemed like it could use a few more rows of seats.

    I got the new OS. A belly full of sushi. A bloodstream full of alcohol. And, a much lighter wallet. Fun times. I love London!

    Apr 1, 12:04 PM
    wonder if this is why direcTV never came out with this functionality. Generally they are ahead of the curve (TWC) with comes to actually providing value for the customers, to some degree.

    Until not that long ago Fox controlled DirecTV, so that is likely why.

    They have a program you can use on your computer to watch your dvr from your computer, but it has issues.. One is it does not work on a computer with dual monitors, which is just dumb.

    Mar 22, 09:57 AM
    I disagree, very very small discount

    Apple should have extended the full education discount of 14% to students. As much as I love Apple's products, they're very much an overly greedy company these days. They're also possibly being myopic, as students are highly likely to buy content for the device IMO

    Very shameful Apple

    Shameful? Really? What are you talking about?

    First off, Apple has already priced these products very competitively at their standard prices. Second, Apple does not provide a standard discount of 14% for their computers to students. It varies from product to product. Thirdly, you can rest assured that Apple, having learned from their "no price umbrella" tactic for the $99 3G and how successful that has been, recognizes that they have to begin offering lower prices on their products.

    Dude, seriously, it's $499. That's $100 more than a crappy netbook that won't do half the stuff this thing can do.

    Great job, Apple. No shame in your game here.

    The iPad is not a tablet PC. You can still pay $2,000 for a tablet PC if you want. The iPad is a tablet yes, but it doesn't run a full blown deskptop OS (I'm not getting into that argument).

    My point is, Apple used to offer excellent discounts to students and teachers across all of it's product ranges. It's a shame they're not offering the same with the iPad.

    They still offer those discounts. The only reason the percentage of the discount has dropped is because the cost of the computers has also dropped. My 20" iMac G4 cost me $2649 after the student discount back in 2004. For that today, I can get a Mac Pro.

    iPod discount? Not needed. iPods are anywhere from $50 to $125 less than what they were 4 years ago. Again, no discount needed.

    Really irrelevant for the schools. I can't say this will change our purchasing strategy in this area either way, the discount is too small to matter really.

    Untrue when you have schools purchasing by the thousands, as many university's are considering doing for incoming freshman, just as they did with the iPod touch, White MacBook, and iPhone at places like Duke U.

    Those ten packs can truly add up. And in this economy, every dollar counts.

    Think about the cost schools and students will save on books when publishers begin to offer more and more text books via download versus the 20lb. text that sits on a shelf at the campus bookstore for $175. Then you try to resell at the end of the semester, and guess what? The text has been updated to it's 13th edition, and now you're stuck with it.

    Apple's done a great job by pricing these at rock bottom prices already, especially when we all expected prices to be at $899 and up.

    I bet my students can't wait to run products like AutoCad, Final Cut Pro, Logic, Sonar and Visual Studio, on the ipad. They'll be so excited I'm sure.

    It's just a glorified web slate and note taker. By no means bad but I don't see any students where I work, or staff for that matter, rushing to get one. We may buy one or two for R&D.

    I completely agree. It's probably being aimed at the computing illiterate or perhaps commuters but in its current form with an iPhone OS, it's just not powerful or versatile enough for the vast majority of students.

    How about we reserve final judgement until we actually use one, m'kay?

    Sep 27, 11:06 AM
    All I need to know is whether it will update iSync to support the Sony Ericsson M600i...

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